The Deep-C Mission

The Deep-C Mission

Mission duration: 2 months

The Deep-C Mission: The Deep-C’s SailBuoy was launched on March 15, 2013, at approximately 11 nautical miles (nm) south of Cape San Blas. It was retrieved on June 15, 2013. She was at sea for 2 months and acquired conductivity, temperature and oxygen data every hour for the whole period. Weather conditions were primarily light winds, occasionally stronger (30 knots).

The Deep-C consortium focuses on the geomorphologic, hydrologic, and biogeochemical settings that influence the distribution and fate of the oil and dispersants released during the Deepwater Horizon accident and is using the resulting data for model studies that support improved responses to possible future incidents.

Learn more about the Sailbuoy technology and see our models here.

Read more about the mission at the Deep-C consortium webpagethe SailBuoy blog and see the buoy’s cruise track in an interactive map.