The SailBuoy is a configurable offshore sensor platform designed to support a wide variety of instrumentation payloads. It can keep station or travel from point to point. Data is transmitted to and from shore in real time via satellite.

The SailBuoy uses the Iridium satellite system for communicating measured parameters and diagnostics. Since Iridium is a 2 way communication system, commands such as new waypoints, tracks and sensor parameters can be sent to the vessel underway.

Initially designed for oceanographic and meteorological instrumentation it is a sailing vessel designed for long term autonomous operation.


  • Length: 2.0 m
  • Displacement: ~60 kg
  • Payload: ~15 kg / 60 dm3
  • Average speed: 1-2 knots
  • Navigable wind speed range: 2 - 20 m/s
  • Survivability in all weather conditions
  • Maximum mission duration: 12 months
  • Global 2 way satellite communication